This title could speak to the ironic increase in avenues of communication leading to a lessened ability to listen and general sense of societal disconnect; Of how foolishly and unreasonably we might think someone believes and behaves if they get their information from a different source than we do. The title could be commentary on the ridiculous and, sometimes, overwhelming amount of objects and products and ideas and issues our consumerist cultures produce. But, nah, it's a lot more straightforward and less exhausting than that. The number of tiny components that make up the pieces and my rigid expectation that you find every tiny thing hidden within them: Unreasonable. The amount of production time demanded by each: Unreasonable. Some of the issues and personalities you'll be confronted with in this show: Unreasonable. Me thinking I could properly use a semi colon: Unreasonable. You get the gist, yeah?
Exhibition opening 09.01.23 5-8 PM