I’ll be showing a large collection (90!) from my Quirks series, Friday, June 4th, 6-9pm at the Bunker Center for the Arts, 1014 E 19th St, KCMO.
Each one represents the thoughts, experiences, habits, and things overheard that that make up our everyday realities, personalities and personal idiosyncrasies. They’re tiny, as each is just a small part of who we are, and are presented under magnification, as specimens, for personal examination.
The experiences of each Quirk are meant to be humorous and relatable. Even though the faces gazing back may look different from you, my hope is that you’ll feel a sense of shared experience and connection. Maybe you’ve had a similar feeling, worked through the same dilemma, or know someone else who has. Either way, most likely, you’ve been or met these people before.